INO47: Compasso

Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco



Land with 3.5ha, trees, 2 houses, hayloft & bread oven

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Land with 3.5ha, near Belgais, composed mainly of eucalyptus, cork oaks, olive, holm oaks, strawberry and lemon trees.

It has century-old buildings with about 170m2, which include two houses, hayloft and bread oven.

It has 3 large firebreaks for placing bee hives – perfect area for beekeeping!

Benefits from being a valley property that forms a half moon facing south, excellent for the production of mushrooms.

The next eucalyptus harvest will take place in 2026 and largely pays well to harvest this wood.

Good access via a dirt road.

Property Location

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